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Main Street Alabama Day

Apr 14th, 2023


Governor Kay Ivey declared April 12th Main Street Alabama Day!

Main Street Alabama Day

April 12, 2023 will always hold a special place in our hearts as we celebrated the economic and community impact the state-wide non-profit, Main Street Alabama, has accumulated over its ten years.  

Advocacy In Action

Main Street Alabama staff and local directors from across the 32 Designated Main Street communities traveled to Montgomery as a coalition to meet with Governor Ivey and State officials. Main Street Directors sat down with their elected representatives in the State House and Senate discussing their individual impacts in the community.  

Main Street Alabama and its community programs play a critical role in helping revitalize downtowns and commercial districts all across the state, fostering entrepreneurship and creating community culture.  Much of what makes Alabama unique, and the place to be for all walks of life, live in the historic commercial centers of our beloved cities.  It is the role of these Main Street organizations to cultivate that environment.  This is the message delivered in Montgomery.

Advocacy and collaboration between citizens and their elected officials are incredibly important. That's why Main Street Alabama includes advocacy training in our community organization training. We want to give communities the tools, knowledge, and resources they need to speak up and advocate for their programs. We believe in the power of citizens working together with their officials to make a positive impact.

Advocacy will continue to be a priority for Main Street Alabama, and we look forward to 2024 Main Street Alabama Day.

Donate To Main Street Alabama

Interested in advocating for your city's Main Street? Consider donating to Main Street Alabama so we can continue to provide support for communities all over the state. The Main Street Four-Point Approach® is a proven method that helps communities achieve success. It helps them organize themselves effectively, enhance the design of their neighborhoods, promote their districts, and strengthen the economic foundation of the community. Your tax-exempt investment plays a crucial role in improving the quality of the places where we live, work, and enjoy ourselves.


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