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Pre-Conference Fun continued

The group then met Cheryl Morgan, a licensed architect and Emerita Professor of Architecture in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture of Auburn University, and she led the group through Linn Park. Cheryl talked about Birmingham's history and future plans for the park. From there, she led the group through downtown, noting the different architectural design elements and the significance of the buildings. Lastly, the group headed to Rotary Trail. She spoke of the development process and economic boom that has resulted in the surrounding area from the trail and nearby Railroad Park.

For lunch, the group went to Pizitz Hall and after cooling off, the group headed to Railroad Park with Ben Wieseman, Place Associates, to walk and learn about Railroad Park. Then the day ended at the A.G. Gaston Motel. This National Park Monument is the home to the War Room where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other notable civil rights activists strategized on desegregating Birmingham. 

As the day concluded, the group had walked seven miles throughout the downtown district!

Saturday evening, both groups, along with Main Street America, converged on UpTown Cantina for "Maino de Mayo" sponsored by Place + Main and Arnett MuldrowThis event was extra special for all that attended with great food and music. This was the first time this event was sponsored and it was a great preamble to the conference. 

This is what Tripp Muldrow, Partner, Arnett Muldrow, had to say about the event.

"Arnett Muldrow was thrilled to partner with Place + Main Advisors to sponsor the Maino de Mayo Coordinator’s Reception at the start of the Main Street Now Conference in Birmingham. This collaboration was a special opportunity for us to contribute to an event that means so much to us and our community of Main Street Coordinating programs from across the country.

The evening was filled with energy and enthusiasm, setting a positive tone for the conference. We were proud to partner with Main Street Alabama to celebrate the dedication and hard work of Main Street coordinators. Their passion and commitment to revitalizing their communities inspire us every day, and we were honored to play a part in recognizing their efforts."

On Sunday morning, the Design and Economic Vitality sessions were held at Spire's headquarters. Topics included case studies of Iowa's grant program for building rehabs and small business development, Main Street Alabama's new resource, De-Coding, a codes and zoning best practices guide, by Jason Fondren, KPS Group, and Illinois's online resources. 

Michigan also made presentations on their new property development primer, Oklahoma spoke about their findings on generational management, and Washington talked about how they are helping Main Street programs understand public funding and available economic development tools. Arkansas and West Virginia co-presented on incorporating flood adaptations in Main Street's exterior design.

Spire's generous sponsorship of the space which included AV and refreshments, played a significant role in making the day a success. Their support was instrumental in the smooth running of the session.


Image: Cheryl Morgan Architecture Tour Courtesy: Main Street Alabama, Image: Maino de Mayo Courtesy: Main Street Alabama

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