Our Investors
Main Street Alabama Investors
Alabama Mountain Lakes Tourist Association
Energy Southeast
Alabama Power
ALFA Companies
Alice Bowsher
Central Alabama Electric Cooperative
Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham
Charles Ball
Jim Byard, Jr.
Paul Carruthers
R3L Engineering
Dennis Fain
Ellen Mertins
Charles Simpson
David Walker
Mary Helmer Wirth
Marsha Bankston
Courtney Bennett
Trisha Black
Brandon Bias
Clay Carmichael
Ernie Cowart
Elaine Fincannon
Jefferson County Economic & Industrial Development Authority
Tina Narremore Jones
Herman Lehman
Tanya Maloney
Kay Moore
Joe Sandner
Jennifer Schuette
Jo Jo Terry
John L. Thornton
Become a Partner
Thank you for considering an investment in Main Street Alabama, a statewide organization focused on downtown and neighborhood revitalization with an emphasis on economic development to bring jobs, dollars and people to Alabama’s historic communities. Main Street Alabama is the state coordinator for Main Street Programs in Alabama and is affiliated with the National Main Street Center, which was established in 1980 as a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
The proven Main Street Four-Point Approach® helps communities to organize themselves for success, improve the design of their neighborhoods, promote their districts, and enhance the economic base of a community. Your tax-exempt investment helps to improve the places we live, work, and play.
To view Main Street Alabama's Investor Levels, click here.
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