There are 26 Network Main Street Alabama communities in the state.
Our Main Streets are places of shared memory where people still come together to live, work and play.
Our Main Streets tell us who we are, who we were and how the past has shaped us.
Property investment in Main Street districts generates millions in taxes for state and local governments.
Alabama has 33 designated Main Street Alabama communities.
Main Street is a proven strategy for revitalization.
Main Street Alabama was launched in 2013.
For every dollar Alabama puts into the Main Street program, $13.36 is paid back to state coffers in sales taxes.
The Main Street Approach is an important economic development tool for historic preservation in Alabama.
Main Street builds on the authentic history, culture, and attributes of specific places, to bring sustainable change.
Main Street is a unique preservation based economic development program.
From 2014-2023, Main Street Alabama communities reported a cumulative total of 4,530 net new jobs.
Main Street is a powerful network of linked communities.
Main Street Alabama is a non-profit organization which stresses public-private partnerships, community engagement, and strategies that create jobs, spark investment, attract visitors, and spur growth.
From 2014-2023, over $1 billion in public and private money was invested in Alabama's Main Street districts.